The Brown County Schools Preschool Program welcomes children of ALL abilities between 3-5 years of age.
The Brown County Schools Preschool Program welcomes children of ALL abilities between 3-5 years of age.
The preschool staff adapts to the unique social-emotional, behavioral, physical, communication, and learning needs of all children with specific modifications and accommodations carried out for children with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) or 504 Plans.
Guidance and recommendations for carrying out adaptations or procedures for ensuring the health, safety, and inclusion of children with special needs are solicited from the child’s family, medical team, and applicable related and educational services professionals.
Scaffolding strategies are structured, targeted approaches used by preschool staff with children who require more intensive supports across a wide variety of teaching and learning contexts, and in combination with other approaches. Examples include modeling, response prompting, peer supports, and corrective feedback.
Students eligible for preschool under IDEA Part B (special education law) pay no tuition and round-trip transportation is provided. In addition to a preschool teacher they interact with a licensed special education staff.
Tuition is charged by the day with a minimum of 2 days per week recommended for each child. For further information regarding preschool tuition, contact your school’s Principal or the Brown County Schools district office at 812-988-6601.
All of Brown County Schools preschool instructors earn Child Development Associate (CDA) certification. Our building principals serve as Preschool Directors and work together to assure a quality early learning experience is accessible to ALL children.
Enrollment is rolling, so children are welcome to enroll and attend on or after their third birthday at any time during the school year. Each of our three elementary schools are Paths to Quality Level 3 programs and are home to two preschool classrooms staffed with a 1/10 ratio.
"We all have different gifts, so we all have different ways of saying to the world who we are.”